Every IRL program focuses on reestablishing a healthy relationship between the natural and human worlds, with a clear awareness that our future as a species depends on it. Learning is infused with awareness,insight and compassion for oneself, others and the world. Our experiential approach incorporates current knowledge with ancient wisdom in a down to earth way that imparts know how as well as knowledge. Participants find a deeper sense of purpose, develop tangible skills, create lifelong friendships, and become solutionaries who create a better world as they design a life that matters.
EducationEvolutionary Education
EnterpriseIntegrative ApprenticeshipsPractical training through vital work in the rapidly growing sustainable agriculture/local food movement, and other segments of the green economy.
Make a dollar and a differenceWe want our work to make the world a better place. Building our business and entrepreneurial capacity, without loosing our soul, makes this possible
VocationEach of us has a unique gift to offer the world, a calling from deep in our soul.
EnvironmentWorld's NeedsWe love in a time of VUCA: volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity
20 something's develop the skills to thrive in challenging timesHigh School/College Graduates learn skills to make a life & a living
50, 60, 70 something's
Creating a Life that Counts
Learn More... Practical University Certificate in Local Food ReVitalization Learn More...
Live your life purpose - while you make a livingThe Institute for ReGenerative Learning's programs offer
> a practical educational experience for emerging adults seeking a meaningful way to use their talents > a renewed sense of purpose for wise and accomplished men and women > inter-generational mentoring and integrative apprenticeships are an integral part of every one of our contemplative educational programs Today's challenges call for systemic solutions. ReGenerative Learning integrates sustainability and evolution to develop tangible skills. You will strengthen your capacity to design creative responses to the volatile circumstances we face on the planet, and you will develop the skills to earn a living at the same time through cooperative business opportunities in local food enterprises and other segments of the green economy that hold the possibility of meaningful employment Our programs infuse learning with awareness, insight and compassion for oneself, others and the world. You will : (1) find a deeper sense of purpose; (2) develop tangible skills; (3) create lifelong friendships, and (4) become a solutionary who can create a better world. |
This view provides a diagram that outlines the systemic vision that sits behind our offerings. It offers another mode of access to our thinking for those who prefer a holistic view as a point of access
This view provides a diagram that outlines the core questions that our offerings address in a single, albeit complex, picture of the key questions that motivate our lives as human beings